Love that you found a way to feel lighter and lift the list a little! ... Not sure if you've ever tried bullet journaling proper, but at it's heart i find it a simple way to quiet the noise of a million things in your mind and keep separate lists where I know I won't forget anything but don't have to look at it every single day... Just every month or so think through how many of each type of goal I have I should move from my 'collection' page to my active list of things to do that month.:. I have separate collections for health, home, family etc etc... ... Anyway my motto for 24 is to do a little bit more or a little bit better, no big declarations for me this year I don't think... Oh and I also drew a therapeutic doodle page to remind me if things I want more of and things I want less of in 2024!

Hoping for you to have a successful and happy and healthy and loving and funny year ahead 🥰

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So funny and very relatable. I am also a keeper of lists. This past year I found a new approach that makes me less crazy. I look at the week ahead and the month ahead. What do I want to accomplish in that time? I make sure those are high priority and typically not that many things. When I get into my daily list, which I do, every day, I’ve already clearly stated my goals for the week/month, so as long as I get those things done, everything else just feels like extra credit.

Reflecting on what I HAVE done has also been a fun practice.

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